Medalist Brand 1978 vintage track suit ad

1978... the year you took psychedelic​ magic mushrooms and watched your granny run a marathon at midnight. 🍄🤣 This advertisement is for Medalist brand track suits and running shoes of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. One thing about mining through these old school magazines and catalogs is you see advertising trends that appear over and over again. Back in the late 70s and early 80s everyone was using this running "speed trails" photography effect to illustrate blazing fast quickness. Other than that apparently Elvis Presley wore Medalist brand.

Medalist Pride Run For Life 1978 vintage track suit ad @ The Deffest

Ad info is below:


Medalist Pride's new line of running and warm-up outfits .. . keep you looking great!

Running . . . jogging . . .keeping fit. Its a good idea that's becoming a very healthy pastime. From the serious runner to the entire family, people are keeping fit mile after mile.. and they're enjoying it! Now, Pride introduces their Run for Life line of running and worm-up outfits. Attractive color combinations. Bold stripe patterns. Comfortable running outfits designed for people on the go. Whether you're training for a marathon ... or simply staying in shape, you'll look fit wearing Pride. And, Pride Run for Life outfits are invadable in adult and youth sizes and styles. The entire family can stay in shape! Plus, to keep your running on truck, Pride includes a FREE running chart with every Run for Life outfit sold. Check out Pride's Run for Life lineup at your Medalist Pride dealer today. For the mune of your nearest dealer, call TOLL FREE: 800-558-9776. Keeping fit. It never looked so good.

Medalist Industries, 1978


Medalist Pride
19 East McWilliams Street
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin 54935
TOLL FREE: 800 558 9776