Jaclar Sportables 1977 vintage sneakers ad

Here’s a vintage 1977 sneaker ad for Jaclar featuring their joggers, basketball shoe, basketball sneakers and sport shoe. Jaclar has been revived in recent years and you can check out their gear here.

Ad info is below:

The Sportables


A Jaclar Guide to a Briefcase Full of Sportable Secrets!
THE JACLAR NYLON JOGGER, deceptively different from the competition, but the differences are cleverly hidden within for value and comfort.
THE JACLAR BREATHABLE NYLON JOGGER, laces faster and stays cooler for emergency situations and dangerous assignments.
THE JACLAR SUEDE-ON-SUEDE with a flair for the dramatic that brings you in from the cold.
THE JACLAR SUEDE BASKETBALL SHOE, guaranteed to make your counterpart think you're in as good shape as your feet look.
THE JACLAR LEATHER TENNIS SHOE, to let the people you serve know your on your toes.
THE JACLAR SPORT SHOE, to match your trenchcoat and create the perfect cover.

We can't keep our Sportables hidden any longer, the secret is out, so we're coming out in the open, and you're going to hear a lot about us from now on. We're going to give the people what they want, real value for their money - visible value. That's what Jaclar stands for - value for your customers, profits for you, and the in-stock delivery you've always wanted. Call us at our not-so-secret number (617) 344-1113; write us at Jaclar, P.O. Box 383, Stoughton, Massachusetts 02072.

One of Life’s Leisure Pleasures!