Point 4our 1975 vintage sneaker ad

This is a 1975 vintage sneaker ad for point 4our. We could not find any “World Indoor Record” breaking articles of anyone wearing Point four runners in 1975 so the jury is out on this ad. Also, the old Point 4our world headquarters location in Toledo, OH is now a Panera bread if any of y’all are into that Toasted Frontega Chicken.

Ad info is below:

point 4our
now a World Indoor Record

a sure start -
a fast finish!


Koenig Sporting Goods Cleveland, Ohio

Athletic Supply Toledo, Ohio

Outdoorsman Knoxville, Tennessee

Write for free Point Four poster.

point 4our ltd. 4050 Talmadge Road Toledo, Ohio 43623 (419) 472-6982

Point 4our 1975 vintage sneaker ad @ The Deffest